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One Chair Design

Since 2000, TSK Products has sought simplicity in design, maximizing functionality and safety, providing treatment-long comfort, and bringing value to our customers' locations. We have been wary of price, believing low price wins the business.


But as we've seen in our business, you get what you pay for and cheap choices often hurt the bottom line as well as nurses' backs. And what about the change that inevitably comes?


Having a One Chair principle for infusion equipment allows the clinic to adapt to schedule changes or hiccups, expand from infusion to exam areas when crowded, and shift back and forth as needs rise and fall. Having an infusion chair raise the patient to create improved ergonomics leads to that chair being used in the exam area. If exam rooms are full, performed the required examination in an infusion chair that rises is a no-brainer.


A chair that brought Safety and Comfort now adds flexibility to the cancer center which makes the entire operation nimble

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